University Programs and Prototype Tools

Microprocessor and Trainer
GSAS MCB51 is a development board and supports a wide variety of 8051 (with on-chip ROM) compatible 8-bit micro-controllers. The 8051 family of micro-controllers are extensively used for embedded and real-time applications. This board is designed to be a general-purpose development board for single-chip MCU applications. The MCB51 development board is built around Atmel AT89C51ED2 / RD2 micro-controller which has 64K bytes of on-chip program memory.
PCB Prototyping Machine and Tools
4 analog channels, 1 EXT channel, and 16 standard configuration of digital channels
PCB Design Softwares
4 analog channels, 1 EXT channel, and 16 standard configuration of digital channels
ARM & Keil Training Program
4 analog channels, 1 EXT channel, and 16 standard configuration of digital channels
Instrument Cluster Displays
4 analog channels, 1 EXT channel, and 16 standard configuration of digital channels